Monday, August 15, 2011

It's the Little Things

Sometimes I forget about the little things in my day that make my life fun. If I always looked for the large things in my life, I wouldn't be as happy as I could be. It's the little joys in life that make each day okay. Things like what I did today, for instance. These are some of my simple things.

Doing the dishes while listening to Beethoven's 5th.

Eating Brownies

Taking Naps

Watching Movies With My Family

Texting My Friends

Watching the Lightning

Those are just a few of the little things I did today that made me really happy. There's one big thing in my life, though, that helps me everyday.


Jesus Christ. His Atonement. His Love.

Happy Sunday

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cause We're Awesome

I made this for my Music Technology class. My roommates are so fun! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 Measures of Minor

I had to compose 6 measures using f# minor using ii/07 ( two half diminished 7 ) chords for piano accompaniment and solo of my major insturment. It's nothing special by any means. It's my first thing I've ever really done all by myself. I thought I'd just post it up here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hard, Crazy Life and Service in Rexburg

Life is crazy. I sometimes don't understand it. A lot has happened to me over the past few months or so that has really taken me for a big ride. Actually no, in the past entire year things have gone really weird. It's just how life works I suppose. It has thrown curve ball after curve ball at me and, unfortunately, I'm not the best at catching curve balls. I'm not sure that anyone is.
But even though I'm terrible at it, I'm sure that I couldn't have gone as far as things have gone without God. Sometimes I feel like simply getting out of bed and to class on time is some sort of miracle. Those are on the bad days. There have been some really good days though. I really want to start focusing on the good things that have been happening instead of the really weird or bad ones that have. It's really hard to do that though.
I'm sure that I'll be okay though. There are some great things that have happened that I'm trying to be happy about. I got a scholarship for next semester for $800. I'm really excited about that. I get to be in the Patriots and Pioneers concert. That's exciting. I'm going to see the utah symphony orchestra play this weekend. I'm going to yellowstone with my roommates on monday. There are some exciting things coming up that I really need to focus on. It will help me be positive and be happy for the people around me.
I really hope that I'll be able to help the people here in some way or another.  It's really hard to do real service while I'm going to college. I'm kinda hoping that being section leader in band and conducting sectionals and things will help me at least help people's playing ability. Not quite the way I want to help people, but it's really the only way I can think of. These people here are so wonderful that I'm not sure I can do much for them. It's really hard to help and not really feel important to these people, but I'm doing my best and I hope that I'm making and impact in at least one of these people's lives.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen.

Happy Easter. I'm up at college, just in case you didn't know. I was asked to teach Gospel Docrine this sunday and I'm really nervous about it. But I learned a ton studying for the class. It's amazing what 6 or so hours of studying two chapters in the New Testament will do!
I know that Christ lived and died for all of us. He rose again on the third day leaving the tomb empty. I am grateful for everything He has done for me. I hope that as I teach my lesson that I will be inspired and teach what needs to be taught. I prepared as much as I could. Here goes!

Easter Message from

Monday, March 21, 2011

college checklist and class list

excited feeling for college? check
register for college? check
money for college? in process, almost finished.
finish scholarship? not yet. close.
pack? not yet
move in? not yet
get my books? there's a lot.. . nope not yet.
attend class? not yet
be awesome? always
get awesome grades? hopefully
decide weather or not to do color guard? its a tough choice. I'm leaning towards no at the moment, but it was so much fun.... hmm.. I'll think some more.

I'm super stoked for college and that used textbook smell mixed in with the northern "reminds me of montana" smell. Brings me right back to elementary school. I'm so stoked to get down and dirty and practice two hours a day with other piano stuff and practicing and whatnot. Homework will be a blast and a half.... if I don't fall asleep while doing it. bah!! so excited.

Here are the classes I'm taking:
  • Clarinet Lessons ( so excited to see my other clarinet squeekers in master class! )
  • University Band ( I LOVE the teacher! )
  • Musicianship 2 (this is the one and only ultimate kick butt class in my forseen workload. wish me luck.)
  • piano skills (cake!)
  • music technology (I'll be okay in this one hopefully... I don't know what it intails)
  • american foundations ( everyone has to take this class. It basically is to get you going to events like concerts. Since I have to go to a lot anyway, it can double count for this class! yay easy!)
  • science foundations ( I always liked science. Shouldn't be too hard... however it has been 2 ish years since I've seen the word science)
  • family foundations (memorizing the family: a proclamation to the world. and talk about other family-ish things. this is my religeon class for the semester. I've heard its amazing. hopefully not kick butt, but all religeon classes have a very real danger of being so.) 
There you go. 8 classes 17 credits. So excited!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Compared to most, not very many people read my blog. Maybe one or two every once in a while. And even then, it's mostly just the people looking at my "topic generator" post. Now that Rachel is gone on her mission, my dedicated reader list has gone down quite considerably. This, among many other things, makes me wonder about my life and if I'm really making a difference. How important is my life if I don't impact anyone at all? I suppose, yes, at work I help get everything done and I don't know exactly what they're going to do without me at both of my jobs, so I guess I've helped a company get their work done and an oral sugeon get all his files on a computer. ..yay. But, have I helped anyone specifically or individually? Have I made anyone happier by my just being there? And I know I probably most likely have sometime in my past, but I'm talking about this little section of life between July and April where I haven't been at school and I've been wondering exactly why I'm supposed to have spent so much time here and not at BYU-I. Perhaps I'm just rambling. But, today in relief society, it was all about charity and about how the whole purpose of eveything is to help other people and it's really important. I got to thinking, do I make an impact? Do I have charity in my heart? Let's make that a goal, eh? More charity and service and thinking of others before myself. I like that. It's a good goal. I hope I'll be able to make a difference here in twin during my break. I have less than three months to do it. ready? go!