Sunday, January 23, 2011


Compared to most, not very many people read my blog. Maybe one or two every once in a while. And even then, it's mostly just the people looking at my "topic generator" post. Now that Rachel is gone on her mission, my dedicated reader list has gone down quite considerably. This, among many other things, makes me wonder about my life and if I'm really making a difference. How important is my life if I don't impact anyone at all? I suppose, yes, at work I help get everything done and I don't know exactly what they're going to do without me at both of my jobs, so I guess I've helped a company get their work done and an oral sugeon get all his files on a computer. ..yay. But, have I helped anyone specifically or individually? Have I made anyone happier by my just being there? And I know I probably most likely have sometime in my past, but I'm talking about this little section of life between July and April where I haven't been at school and I've been wondering exactly why I'm supposed to have spent so much time here and not at BYU-I. Perhaps I'm just rambling. But, today in relief society, it was all about charity and about how the whole purpose of eveything is to help other people and it's really important. I got to thinking, do I make an impact? Do I have charity in my heart? Let's make that a goal, eh? More charity and service and thinking of others before myself. I like that. It's a good goal. I hope I'll be able to make a difference here in twin during my break. I have less than three months to do it. ready? go!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, I've read every post you've ever posted on here, but since I follow it through a feed on a different website, I don't think that it counts towards your total viewership. Also, just so you know, you have made me happier. I really do enjoy our talks, and I know that if anything were to happen that you have my back. While we may not talk as much as we used to (curse you work/school!), our friendship still means a lot to me.

    While your goal of making a difference for someone in Twin is a great goal, know that you have made a difference for someone in Logan.
