Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic Generator

I felt like writing about something, but didn't know what. So I found a blog topic generator so I will answer their topics here so I can write something. Here goes:
TOPIC: A troubled concious
At the moment, my concious isn't too terribly troubled. Although, I do have things on my mind. I'm a little bit stressed about going to college. I've been thinking about how much I hate moving and change in general. That, of course, is just one of many things I am thinking about.
TOPIC: Carrying cash with you
I don't have very much cash on me ever... sometimes I carry 20 or so dollars around. However, whenever I have cash, I use it before I use anything else, so the cash doesn't last long.
TOPIC: Things I regret
I regret little tiny things in my life. Like: I should've said or worded something differently in some conversation. Small things like that that don't really matter all that much. Everything else.. I don't really regret. I'm greatful for all of my experiances.
TOPIC: My childhood football stars
uh.... I think my Grandpa watched the 49ers at our house once... ? I don't know diddly about football. Sorry.
TOPIC: All the jobs I've ever worked
Babysitting for countless families, Piano Teacher, Day Care Instructor for a lady in my ward, Cultural Hall Sales associate, and Target Sales Floor Team Member.
TOPIC: Checking the closets before going to bed
I don't check my closet before I go to bed. Sometimes, though, I do get afraid at night. Not very often, but sometimes. Those are the nights that I hear creaks in the house and I can't remember if I locked the garage door or not. I'm a fraidy cat. :)
TOPIC: Going to the movie alone
This last semester in college I went to a lot of concerts alone. While it's completely awesome to go with someone else, I didn't mind going alone either. Honestly, I'd rather go alone than not go at all.
TOPIC: Getting a new phone
 I got a new phone quite recently. I didn't like getting another one. I don't like change. I would rather just keep my old one, just because I've had it for a while and I hate changes. Also, I miss all of my old pictures, ringtones, and how my phone break danced when it vibrated on the table. Eventually I'll get used to my new one and then it will all be good.
TOPIC: My 15 min. of Fame
Um. I was on the news in Kindergarden. It was embarrasing. My family still jokes around about it. "We play games. Lots of games. And gym stuff." I was a cute little kid. Not gunna lie. :)
I think that's all for tonight. Maybe I'll do this again sometime. I kinda liked it.

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