Friday, May 14, 2010

Wayne Kimball

The weekend yet again! I made it. Phew! It was a long one, and yet, at the same time, really short. The days themselves seem like they last forever, but the week as a whole has gone by really fast if that makes any sence whatsoever. It's been an interesting week. .. just yeah.
I've been extreamely busy with homework and color guard practice. I hope I don't die! That would be a little tragic. Just a little bit ;) I'm so behind on my homework and practice. I hope I can get at least a little caught up this weekend. I love all of my classes though, and that is a wonderful thing. At least I'm doing homework for classes that I enjoy. I think the only homework that could die and I wouldn't care would be math. The class period in and of itself it great! I love the teacher, the peers I sit next to, and I really don't mind learning some of the things taught in class. It's just the repetative homework that gets me. I don't know what it is about math that literally puts me to sleep, but it happens. You know how you aren't supposed to do anything but homework during homework time? as in watching tv, or something like that. Well, I can do that with all of my other subjects except math. With math, I have to be doing something else while I'm doing it because otherwise I end up nodding off and falling asleep. No joke.
I seriously can't remember anything that's happened to me this week except the regular stuff. Just classes...
Oh! I went to the art show in the Sori Gallery. I think the art was done by Wayne Kimball or something. I don't know. But it was really weird. I like art generally, it was just really hard to see what this guy was trying to get at. He was using magazine clippings. He also used the same images over and over again, but in different arrangements. It all was really weird to me. I don't know. But it was interesting to go see the show. It was nice.
Well, yeah. That was my week.  And this is probably the best of his art there. Really weird stuff, I'm tellin ya!

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