Saturday, December 18, 2010


so... It's Christmas in a week. 7 days. That's it! oh man! I'm so excited!!! CHRISTMAS!!!! I'm excited to see family, I'm excited to not have to work christmas eve night, not to have to work the day after christmas, and everything christmasy that you can think of I'm just so excited for.
I'm also excited for the christmas program tomorrow, that I'm in charge of. I'm not going to do very well, but it'll be okay. the audience is singing a lot because I couldn't get enough musical numbers together in time. But, even though it's tough and I hate being in charge of things like this, I'm excited for the christmas awesomeness that will be the program. I hope it goes well! Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Applying Knowledge

I had tons of fun this weekend. So much, that my legs are still soar from all the dancing and army crawling. I'm glad I had so much fun the past three or four days. It's going to be really hard to leave in April... again. grr. I hate this. I don't like sticking around and making friends so easily and having such a great social life with people I hardly know. At BYUI, I never really had that opprotunity to be friends with good people. I never saw where the good people were to hang out with. Here, it was so easy to make friends. There it was hard. I think I've learned a lot more than I thought I would by staying here. I've learned how to make friends again. I hope that when I do go back to byui that I'll be able to apply what I've learned here, there. I think I'll be able to be happier and have a better social life. That would be fun.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Outlaw Poster

Wanted: Shady man on random street corner.
Crime: Handing out numbers to people I hardly know.
Also may be selling stolen Rolexes and/or sundials.
Reward: $12 in dimes. 
Our top artists (i.e. a google search of "Shady Guy") 
 have come up with this face:
If you see him. Please tell him to cut it out.
Also, if you are one to be taking numbers from such a man,
please just do the respectful thing and ask for my number instead.
Yes, I may just say no. But I like to know the people who have
my contact information won't be weird, creepy people. The End.