Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finding Good Things

I think I'll be a much happier person if I can find good things about everyday. I mean, there will be some days where everything goes wrong. Those days are no fun, but if I build a habit, maybe I'll be able to have more good days than bad. You think?
Well I felt like a music person today. It's sort of fun to pretend to know about music. I played some prelude in Relief Society today because the pianist was late. I played Come, Follow Me. I played a couple verses and then I started improvising on the hymn with different counter melodies and things. It was so much fun and I felt like I was an awesome pianist or something. I probably messed up a lot. But I pretended that I meant to play everything I did. It was so much fun! Then I conducted the music in Relief Society. It's my calling. That's right. I'm awesome. Anyway. I was conducting and I pretended like the women were actually looking at me. I gave the best cues ever. I was then asked to lead the music for the ward potluck. that was nice. Also my roommates are watching Jurassic Park downstairs and I can hear the background music. Thanks to a friend, I have learned the awesome power of John Williams. I am really enjoying listening to it right now! So, yes. Today I feel like a music buff. Even though I'm not a very good one.. so yeah. That's a good thing of the day. Music buff feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Um. Definitely try to find the good in every day. Challenge for you: keep a piece of paper or a stack of post-its by your bed or something and every night before you go to bed right down at least three good things about the day, even if one of them's just that it's over and you survived. ;) But seriously. It'll help and it's awesome. Also, I'm Relief Society pianist, so you should lead and I'll play! Also, I'm jealous because I can't improvise like you did. At all.

    One last thing: *sings* JOHN WILLIAMS IS THE MAN!
