Sunday, November 7, 2010

To Reach The Unreachable Star

Today's theme was changing my life around for the Savior. In testimony meeting the testimonies all seemed to talk about how they gave more time to the Savior and their life changed for the better. In Relief Society we talked about how we do all these things like go to school and work and whatnot and we leave the left over time for the Savior sometimes.. it should be the other way around. Devote time to the Savior first and He will help you through the things that need to get done. Then there was a CES fireside with M. Russel Ballard. That seemed to talk about changing your life and living for the Savior and living the principles of the Gospel and doing something about it. Then I played The Impossible Dream on the piano and decided that I am going on a quest. Perhaps not quite like Don Quioxte or however you spell his name and go chasing windmills and such weirdnesses. But I'll fight for the right, without question or pause. I'll strive with my last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, Brian Stokes Mitchell came down here at the beginning of the semester, so I heard him perform Impossible Dream live. Wow. Great song, great voice = so great!
